Pre-Travel Clearance for Austria

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Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, Austria has developed a scheme that traces contacts while travelling. We already know that many infections are directly related to travel and we’ll provide you here with the current regulations, so you’re kept up-to-date, if you’re planning on travelling to Austria in the near future.

To have the necessary information for quarantine monitoring and contact tracing, you need to provide certain information through a Pre-Travel Clearance form that needs to be filled out online before entering Austria. This involves the address of the place you’re intending to stay or quarantine, the means of transport used for entering Austria, as well as the disclosure of those countries in which you have stayed during the previous 10 days before arriving in Austria. The Pre-Travel Clearance Form is available in German and English. If registration via the electronic form isn’t possible, the form can be filled out and submitted in a printed version. This is then sent by the controlling bodies to the local district administrative authority.

Every person travelling to Austria (even children) must fill out the Pre-Travel Clearance form online before entering the country. There are some exemptions:

  • Unexpected, not postponable and serious reasons within your family, for example serious illnesses, death, funerals, birth, or if you need to take care of someone as an emergency.
  • Necessary trips because of animal care or compelling reasons for agriculture and forestry.
  • Professional transfers by flight or other means.
  • Travelling through Austria without a layover.
  • If you are part of the team of a repatriation trip/flight, including public security service.
  • If you are a passenger of an emergency vehicles or public service vehicles.
  • If you are crossing foreign territory coming from Austria without a layover to arrive at your destination in Austria.
  • If you travel to the municipalities of Vomp-Hinterriss, Mittelberg and Jungholz.
  • If you are a regular commuter for professional purposes (except for personal caregivers) until Feb. 10, 2021.
  • Regular commuter to attend school or university until Feb. 10, 2021.
  • Regular commuter for family purposes, or to visit a life partner, until Feb. 10, 2021.

 The completion of the Pre-Travel Clearance form is mandatory, even with a positive immunity status, whether by vaccination or by a healed up infection with SARS-CoV-2. Only the above-mentioned exceptions are a reason for not registering with a form.

Depending on the reasons and country of entry, a medical certificate confirming a negative antigen or PCR test must also be presented upon entry, or a period of quarantine must be carried out.

If you are a regular commuter for professional reasons (except personal caregivers), for attending school/university or for family reasons (e.g., visiting your life partner) you also need to register your entrance to Austria as of February 10th, 2021. Additionally, you have to be prepared to show a negative test result upon arrival at the border to Austria if requested by the authorities. If you don’t have the ability to take a test, you will be given 24 hours, after entry, to meet this regulation.

After successful registration, you can download confirmation including your personal QR-code, which will also be sent to you by Email.

The document must be presented at the request of the authorities and allows verification of the correct disclosure of your data. The authenticity of this confirmation can be verified via your QR code.

The document is valid in both printed and digital form. It is also permissible to present your QR code on mobile devices - such as a smartphone.

At TravelEdventures we are your expert on travel-related topics. Therefore, we are also in constant exchange with the authorities to provide you with all the relevant information concerning the current measures relating to travel during the COVID-19 pandemic. Contact us if you require more information.

You’ll also find that our blog keeps you updated on further travel regulations for many European countries.

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